9:00 – 18:00
Monday – Friday
Malegra FXT Plus(سيلدينافيل)

Malegra FXT Plus(سيلدينافيل)

متوفر الآن
الاسم التجاري: Malegra FXT Plus
العنصر النشط: فياغرا
الاستعمال: علاج ضعف الانتصاب وكذلك سرعة القذف عند الرجال
الجرعات المتاحة: 160 ملغ
معلومات التسليم لدينا
عدم التسليم إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

* الأسعار الواردة في القائمة لا تنطبق على سويسرا والسويد والدنمارك. يُنصح العملاء بتقديم طلب، وسيتواصل فريقنا مرة أخرى لإبلاغهم بالأسعار المحدثة.

لكل حبة
30 حبوب الدواء
60 حبوب الدواء
90 حبوب الدواء
120 mg
180 حبوب الدواء
240 حبوب الدواء
270 حبوب الدواء
360 حبوب الدواء
Malegra FXT is a combination drug. It consists of well-known Sildenafil Citrate, the main component of most erectile dysfunction treatment solutions, and Fluoxetine, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Fluoxetine is used as a light antidepressant, but it also has shown itself an effective solution for premature ejaculation. The combination of those two medications has made Malegra FXT one of the best solutions for great long-lasting sexual activity. 
Malegra FXT is helpful in case patient has erectile dysfunction, and is also aware of problems with premature ejaculation. You should take no more than one tablet of Malegra FXT an hour before the planned sexual activity. Usual compound of 1 tablet is 100 mg Sildenafil Citrate and 40 or 60 mg of Fluoxetine. 
The list of contraindications, making the administration of Malegra impossible, includes leukemia, epilepsy, kidney diseases, liver dysfunctions, hypotension, cardiovascular diseases, and hypersensitivity to the active components. For the full list, please turn to the medical instruction, included into the package. 
Any powerful medication has powerful side effects, except for Malegra FXT. This wonderful drug is relatively safe, and if you follow the instructions strictly, you can avoid most of its negative effects.  
Taking Malegra FXT, you should be prepared for such problems as headaches, fatigue, dryness in mouth or eyes, problems with sleep and dyspepsia. Those symptoms are observed in nearly 15% of the patients, taking Malegra. If you experience anything more serious than light headaches, you should immediately seek medical attention, because severe side effects of Malegra FXT indicate that you have ignored important precautions. 
In case of missed dose, take the medication as soon as you remember. You shouldn’t take it twice a day under any circumstances, because it can lead to overdose.
If you think that you have overdosed Malegra, please contact your doctor immediately. Symptoms of overdose are headaches, vertigo, faint, flushes and nausea. Remember not to take the drug more often than one tablet daily.  
Please, store the medication in a dark dry place away from children, at room temperatures. Necessarily check the expiry date before taking the drug. 
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